Pink Fire Pointer Beating Frizz in Summer's Heat and Humidity

Beating Frizz in Summer's Heat and Humidity

Devin Toth with Hope at Ted Gibson Salon NYC

Yesterday we stopped by Ted Gibson's salon in NYC for a blowout before our SATC screening and Anne's birthday extravaganza.  I had an appointment with Devin Toth who is featured in June's Allure magazine.  I asked him the best way to control frizz as the summer starts to heat up.

First use a product on damp hair with an anti-humectant like Ted Gibson's Build It then blow dry and style.  When hair is dry, layer on light coats of hairspray to create a barrier from humidity. At home I use Ted's Beautiful Hold hairspray.

Heidi and Hope and Abe & Arthurs

It was hot and humid last night and my hair held up well.  That's Heidi and I above at Abe & Arthur's for our after party.  To find Ted Gibson salon products or to make an appointment with Devin Toth, visit

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